in the heart

Hashtag Legends Couture, we support designers and fashion designers in the development of their collections with a quality and innovative service.

Having indeed extensive experience in retouching, repair, customization and even upcycling.

* Creation of models: pattern, canvas and prototype.

* Scanning and filing.

* Seeds and production.

* Advice and follow-up in development, you will no longer feel alone, we will be able to answer all your questions and help you realize your dream.

Contact us and make an appointment, you’ve been thinking about getting started for a while, so it’s now!!!

Model, sponsorship, canvas and prototype.

From making the pattern to choosing materials, Hashtag Legends couture supports you.

Series and production manager for your collection

Control, production of serial heads, participate in the product control strategy.

Scanning and grading.

The digitalization of your pieces, of a pattern, in order to make your collection industrializable.

Advice and follow-up

Entrust the management and monitoring of your collection to optimize and ensure its conservation.

Let's build tomorrow's fashion together.


to your customers

Become the

reference store


your collections

Discover our solution Hashtag (B2B)

Merci de renseigner les informations ci-dessous pour que notre équipe
puisse vous proposer une solution adaptée !

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